We all want to build a retirement pot big enough to allow us to retire, confident that we won’t run out of money.
A major misconception is that the most important thing in achieving this, is how much to save monthly and yearly, when really we should focus on the capital growth, not how much goes into the pot.
It is easier to invest your way to £1m than to save £1m.
The Barclays GILT Study shows that over the last 120 years, a highly diversified basket of global shares would have outperformed cash in the bank by an average of seven per cent per annum.
Having confidence in a portfolio allows investors to weather the storm when markets fall – knowing you have high quality, well diversified investments and sound advice which gives you the confidence to hold them through challenging times and enjoy the growth when markets rise.
Life typically has three main stages. In plain English, these are, saving for retirement, preparing to retire and drawing an income in retirement.
The quality portfolios we build help our clients accumulate the most amount of capital, with as much help from the taxman as possible, so they can draw a greater amount of sustainable income in retirement than they thought was possible.
Combining top-flight investment solutions, careful tax planning, withdrawal strategies and cashflow modelling can be life-changing.
If you would like to feel confident about your retirement plan, do call us. Our specialist independent financial planners and wealth managers will be delighted to help you.
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