According to EEF, the average manufacturing company is made up of only 15% women – a figure Belmont have smashed with a remarkably 27% female workforce and a 100% female-led company.
Ahead of the gender pay gap reporting in April, Belmont Packaging’s director, Kate Hulley, says: “There are early signs that 2018 has the potential to be another fantastic year for women, with plenty of events highlighting gender inequalities that women, unfortunately, still face.”In spirit of a century of suffrage for some women in the UK and with International Women’s Day also just around the corner, Belmont’s matriarchal team are urging more women to consider careers in manufacturing and STEM subjects.Kate Hulley, director of Belmont Packaging, said: “Women are still underrepresented at all levels within UK manufacturing and it’s time to smash the stigma that manufacturing is a ‘man’s world’. Our E-Commerce website Boxed-Up turned over a record £500k last year, which couldn’t have been achieved without my female-led team.”
As part of Belmont Packaging’s commitment to their social responsibilities, they operate profit share scheme from their employees and under the philosophy of ‘the more you learn, the more you earn’. For more information about the female-led packaging manufacturers, visit