Like any business, it’s easy to plateau and stagnate without the power of online sales and internet-based growth. Here are our six recommendations of how to get your plant equipment on hire through digital marketing and how we can help.
Ensure your website is easy to navigate, with E-commerce functionality, like this.
In liements terms, make sure that your website is clutter-free, that you have clear page titles, lots of headings and ensure it has the ability to allow users to add products to their account and pay or enquire as opposed to calling up and booking. Believe us, your competitors are already doing this, if you are not, you are already a step behind, missing out on sales and getting your plant equipment on hire.
Add an integrated booking system and calendar
This helps your customers see what equipment is available and when they can book to hire it, it also feeds through to your system so you can keep track, arrange deliveries or collections, and invoice accordingly too. You can also see gaps of availability and predict low sales months in advance then ramp up Ad’s and exclusive offers to get your plant equipment on hire for these time periods.
Answer all enquiries fast
Whether they are by phone, email or social media direct messages, get back to people ASAP. If you don’t, you could miss your window of opportunity and they may have already purchased from your competitor.
Follow up EVERY lead
Even if you think it is not worthwhile or will be a low capital gain, get to know the person or contact, get to know their business and build up relationships where possible. This could create future work and recommendations.
Learn from your sales
Which are your best-performing tools and pieces of equipment? Keep them well marketed to grow your client base. For those tools and equipment that are not getting many hire requests, offer extra deals for them or free local delivery and check you align with competitor prices. We use Hubspot CRM for ourself and our clients to track all communications, figures and nurture relationships with leads and clients.
There may have been many potential customers who have been on your website, added to products to their basket then left the page without completing their order. We can use marketing tools which will re-target these customers across the web to prompt them to return and purchase from you.
Why us?
We’re experts in the field, construction marketing is our forté. We can discuss, develop and perform all the strategies mentioned in this blog. If you would like any assistance with digital marketing which gets your plant equipment on hire, let us know.